The skills I learned at CCDS have been paramount to success at every step in my academic career and have directly paved the way to my enrolling in a top-tier university. Atticus Short City Day alumnus
A little more than four years ago, amidst a global pandemic, members of Chicago City Day School’s Class of 2020 received their hard-earned diplomas and became City Day graduates.
Atticus Short, Class of 2020
This fall, the Class of 2020 took an even bigger step — beginning their studies at excellent colleges and universities all over the country.
The list of schools that our 2020 graduates are attending this year is varied and impressive. Some are studying at large state institutions like the University of Michigan. Others have enrolled in smaller private schools, like Denison University and Bowdoin College.
What these alumni have in common is that they bring skills and lessons learned at City Day to their undergraduate studies.
“City Day taught me about work ethic, to speak publicly, to connect with teachers, to be a part of a community, to prioritize learning,” said Class of 2020 member Atticus Short, who is enrolled at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. “The skills I learned at CCDS have been paramount to success at every step in my academic career and have directly paved the way to my enrolling in a top-tier university.”
Fellow alumnus Michael Cardoza said that the relationship between teachers and students at City Day helped set him on his way to Georgetown University.
Michael Cardoza, Class of 2020
“City Day taught me to not shy away from opportunities,” Cardoza said. “Given the close relationships that are built between the students and teachers at City Day, I have not been afraid to approach a teacher I may not know well if it meant I could partake in a new and exciting opportunity that distinguished me from other peer applicants.”
City Day’s junior-kindergarten-through-grade-8 model offers the ideal path for discovery and growth. It allows younger students to learn in a nurturing, age-appropriate environment; it gives older students the chance to be true leaders and mentors on campus; and it allows students to transition to brand-new environments at the high school level.
And, as exemplified by the Class of 2020, our model gives students the skills they need to excel at all stages of their education. According to City Day Head of School Chris Dow, who taught members of the Class of 2020 when they were in eighth grade, their future success was never in doubt.
“To see the Class of 2020 head off to college is especially rewarding because they were my last class as a teacher, and it is the fulfillment of all the potential and ability they exhibited during their time at City Day. I know all of them will continue to thrive in this next stage of their lives.”
Maddox Hussar and Zachary Deutsch, Class of 2020
We congratulate all members of our Class of 2020 for the success they’ve enjoyed since graduating from City Day! A list of the colleges they're attending, along with some photos from their graduation day, can be found below.
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