Welcome from the Head of School
The Chicago City Day School was founded on the belief that a challenging and supportive elementary education is essential for creating a passion for learning in children. The sole purpose of the School is to instill in children that love for learning. Every moment at the School, every decision made, and every inch of the campus, revolves around that central unerring purpose.
While this may seem straightforward, the realization of this goal is a testament to the remarkable resources the School has to offer. First, we have a tremendous faculty of highly experienced teachers who are lifelong learners themselves. Second, we have carved out a spacious and purpose-built campus that incites curiosity and instills pride in our students. Third, since its founding, Chicago City Day School has been a tight-knit community where every student and family is engaged and supported based on their unique circumstances.
Within this remarkable community, students are taught, nurtured, and challenged. The School addresses the needs of all students as they progress through the grades. Rigorous, highly participatory programs challenge youngsters to become competent, engaged learners. Hard work is expected. Risk-taking is encouraged. From junior kindergarten on, City Day students are encouraged to develop critical thinking skills and to work effectively both independently and collaboratively. Small classes ensure close interactions between teachers and students and are structured in a way that fosters cooperative group learning.
The Chicago City Day School has high expectations for its students. The enthusiasm with which students meet these expectations attests to the richness and vitality of the educational program.
The Chicago City Day School has high expectations for its students. The enthusiasm with which students meet these expectations attests to the richness and vitality of the educational program. Chris DowHead of School
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